Home Releases 2023 №2 (36)


Domestic and Foreign Experience of Management , UDC: 377.35 DOI: 10.25688/2312-6647.2023.36.2.11


  • Dunaeva Yulia Ivanovna
  • Pleshakova Marina Vladimirovna PhD (Economics), Associate Professor


The article deals with the formation and development of institutions of preprofile and specialized education in Russia during the 19–21 centuries. The main organizational and economic factors influencing this process within the framework of the multistage Russian education throughout the entire time period are shown. The main trends in the development of pre-profile and profile education in modern Russia are considered and their specificity is revealed. In conclusion, promising directions for the development of modern forms of organization of these institutions in the Russian educational environment are shown.

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Dunaeva, Y. I. & Pleshakova, M. V. (2023). ORGANIZATIONAL AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF INSTITUTIONS OF PRE-PROFILE AND SPECIALIZED EDUCATION IN RUSSIA Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023 №2 (36), 129. https://doi.org/10.25688/2312-6647.2023.36.2.11
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