1. The character limit of a manuscript – 20 000-40 000 characters including figures, tables and graphs and excluding a list of references.
2. The margins: right, left, upper, lower 25 mm.
3. The font: Times New Roman (14 pt).
4. The spacing: 1,5 cm.
5. The indent: 1, 25 cm (set automatically).
6. In the upper left corner please indicate the classification index of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC).
7. The title of the article in Russian (center alignment, font 14 pt, uppercase letters, bold).
8. Full name of the authors (left alignment, font size 14, bold, italics).
Structure of a scientific article in the journal
The article must comply with the authenticity requirements: at least 75% of authentic text for literature reviews (analytical articles), at least 85% of authentic text for empirical articles.
Required sections:
Abstracts in both Russian and English must be informative (do not include general words); substantial (refer to the key points of the article and the results of research); structured (follow the logic that describes the results in the article); concise (100-200 words). Please include in the abstract the following key points:
- The relevance of the research issue and the background research;
- The objective of the research;
- The methods used in the research (in case of empirical article); the methodology; the main approach to the research issue (in case of theoretical article);
- The research findings described in the article;
- The conclusions reflecting the scientific and practical value of the research results presented in the article.
For example:
– The relevance of the issue studied in this article is substantiated by…
– Due to this … the article is dedicated to … defining, disclosing, developing, etc
– The main method used to research this issue was interviewing that allowed to… The research sampling comprised…
– The article identifies, discovers, substantiates, proves, etc…
– The data presented in the article enables to…; the technology developed by the authors facilitates…
The keywords
The keywords represent the semantic kernel of the article content. They must reflect the key categories and concepts presented in the article, refer to its title and the research field it belongs to. The word limit is 5-10 words (phrases).
Introduction includes:
- Concise description of the research background (at least 5 references to the acclaimed findings on the issue published in Russian and international peer-reviewed journals);
- Concise and explicit statement of the relevance of the research;
- Concise description of the research background;
- Description of existing contradictions and the author’s position.
For example:
-The relevance of the issue (substantiate the relevance of the issue)…
-The review of the literature showed (analyze the background literature existing in Russian and international science)…
-According to the modern trends (describe the modern trends)…
Methods/methodological foundations
Requirements to the methods/methodological foundations:
- Please provide a comprehensive description of the research design (research objective, research tasks).
- Describe the methodology in details (for theoretical article); the methods of the research and the research procedure (for empirical article).
- Define the research sampling. Present the plan and the stages of your experiment. Present the plan and the stages of your experiment.
For example:
– The research objective is…
– The methods and procedures used in the research…
– The experimental foundations of the research…
– The stages of the experiment were…
The findings
The findings must correspond to the objectives and tasks defined in the introduction. The findings must be articulated in an explicit and an evidence-based way, for example as tables, graphs, diagrams and so on (do not include interpretation of findings).
Provide only the results you have gained in your research, do not include the literature review.
Figures, diagrams, tables and graphs must be created in graphic editors supporting vector and bitmap images and numbered in the article depending on the order of their appearance in the text. Since the journal is printed in one color, the use of color figures and graphs is not recommended. All images presented in the article must be referred to in the text. Inscriptions and captions to the figures must be made with 12 pins. The images in jpeg must be submitted separately. The image resolution must be not less than 300 dpi.
Discussion issues
In this section, please provide the following:
- Review, explanation and interpretation of the research findings.
- Summary and your opinion on the research results.
- Compare the findings of your research with the data provided by other authors (Russian and international research published within the last 5 years).
- Define the place of the achieved findings within the framework of the current scientific knowledge.
Requirements to the conclusion
Please provide the conclusions on the conducted research in a concise and systematized way. Define the trajectories for future research on the issue and provide applied recommendations. Do not include tables, figures or references in this section.
Requirements to the references
Citations in the text must be interconnected with the reference list by putting in the text the references in square brackets stating the corresponding information, for example: [Last name of author(s), year of publishing, p.17], [Last name of author(s), year of publishing, p.17-25];
The reference list must include no less than 25 scientific works (articles, monographs, books) and at least 50% of them must be published in the international peer-reviewed journals (within the last 3 years for Scopus / 5 years for Web of Science). Please provide DOI or URL of the national archive for all references. All authors mentioned in the text should be represented by their works in the reference list. Authors are allowed to include references to their own works (no more than 2).
The article must be supplied by two reference lists.
The first reference (Список источников) list must be given in Russian formatted according to the Government Standard Р 7.05-2008 “Bibliographic reference”.
The second reference (References) list must be given in English according to the APA style (7th edition).
The references to other types of sources (archives, legal documents, journalistic articles, reference information, textbooks, dictionaries, author’s abstracts, etc.) must be included in the article text as footnotes (according to the Government Standard Р 7.05-2008 “Bibliographic reference).
In case the reference list and References section are of low quality (featuring incomplete, inaccurate or incorrect data) your paper might not be accepted for publication.
The example of the reference list formatted according to the Government Standard Р 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference”:
1. Митина Л. М. Психология личностно-профессионального развития субъектов образования. М.; СПб.: Нестор-История, 2014. 376 с. URL:
2. Розин В. М. Проблема идентичности в контексте нового эгоизма // Политика и общество. 2012. № 1. С. 119–128. URL:
3. Egger J., Masood T. Augmented reality in support of intelligent manufacturing — A systematic literature review // Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2020. Vol. 140. Art. 106195. DOI:
4. Lampropoulos G., Keramopoulos E., Diamantaras K. Enhancing the functionality of augmented reality using deep learning, semantic web and knowledge graphs: A review // Visual Informatics. 2020. Vol. 4 (1). P. 32–42. DOI:
5. Smajs J. The philosophical conception of a constitution for the earth // Human Affairs. 2015. Vol. 25, Issue 5. P. 342–361. DOI:
6. Федеральный закон от 29.12.2012 № 273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» // КонсультантПлюс: официальный сайт. 2019. URL: (дата обращения: 10.11.2019).
The example of the References according to the APA style (7th edition):
It must be formatted according to the official translations of the article titles and the journal titles (the numbering must match the numbering of the main list of references).
1. Mitina, L. M. (2014). Psychology of personal and professional development of educational subjects. [Psikhologiia lichnostno-professional’nogo razvitiia sub’ektov obrazovaniia]. Moscow; St. Petersburg: Nestor-History.
2. Rozin, V. M. (2012). The problem of identity in the context of new egoism. [Problema identichnosti v kontekste novogo egoizma]. Politics and Society, 1, 119–128 (In Russian). URL:
3. Egger, J., Masood, T. (2020). Augmented reality in support of intelligent manufacturing — A systematic literature review. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 140, art. 106195. DOI:
4. Lampropoulos, G., Keramopoulos, E., Diamantaras, K. (2020). Enhancing the functionality of augmented reality using deep learning, semantic web and knowledge graphs. Visual Informatics, 4(1), 32–42 DOI:
5. Šmajs, J. (2015). The philosophical conception of a constitution for the earth. Human Affairs, 25 (5), 342–361. DOI:
6. Mack, R., & Spake, G. (2018). Citing open source images and formatting references for presentations [PowerPoint slides]. Canvas@FNU.
Requirements to the acknowledgements (optional section)
In this section please provide the following:
- acknowledgements (if any);
- the name of the grant that supports the written article (if any);
a short paragraph indicating information about where and under what conditions it is possible to access your data.
Submission of an article to the journal editorial office means the consent of the authors with the stated rules and consent to post the full version of the article on the Internet on the official website of the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU, on the journal website in free access, using the submitted personal data in the open access.
УДК 000.0
Surname N. PN.
Place of work, City, Country,
Abstract. Introduction… Materials and Methods… Results… Conclusions…
Keywords: the Central and Eastern European countries, foreign direct investment, credit, gross capital formation, investment policy
Acknowledgements (optionally): the work is supported by…
Фамилия И. О.
место работы, город, страна,
Аннотация. Проблема и цель. В статье представлено исследование по проблеме… Цель статьи — … Методология. Исследование проводится на основе методологических подходов… методов… Результаты заключаются в … В статье исследуются… определяются… выявляются… Обосновывается, что… Заключение. Делаются выводы о том, что… Обобщается…
Ключевые слова: страны Центрально-Восточной Европы, прямые иностранные инвестиции, валовое накопление капитала, инвестиционная политика
Благодарности: работа выполнена при поддержке…
Statement of the problem, objective of the article … review of scientific literature on the problem of the article…
Methodology (materials and methods) (specific research methods and approaches).
Results (what has been done by the authors in accordance with the objective and problem of the article).
Discussion of research results.
Conclusion (conclusions in accordance with the objective of the article, author’s contribution).
1. Lampropoulos, G., Keramopoulos, E., Diamantaras, K. (2020). Enhancing the functionality of augmented reality using deep learning, semantic web and knowledge graphs. Visual Informatics, 4(1), 32–42 DOI:
2. Egger, J., Masood, T. (2020). Augmented reality in support of intelligent manufacturing — A systematic literature review. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 140, art. 106195. DOI:
Список источников
1. Эггер Дж., Масуд Т. Дополненная реальность в поддержку интеллектуального производства — систематический обзор литературы // Компьютеры и промышленная инженерия. 2020. Том. 140. Ст. 106195. DOI:
4. Лампропулос Г., Керамопулос Э., Диамантарас К. Расширение функциональности дополненной реальности с помощью глубокого обучения, семантической сети и графов знаний: обзор // Визуальная информатика. 2020. Том. 4 (1). С. 32–42. DOI:
Information about the authors
Surname Name Past Name – Scientific Degree, Post, Department, Affiliation
Информация об авторах
Фамилия Имя Отчество — ученая степень, звание, должность, подразделение, организация