Home Releases 2022 №4 (34)


Management in Education , UDC: 336.64 DOI: 10.25688/2312-6647.2022.34.4.09


  • Shinkareva Olga Vladimirovna Ph.D. (Economics), Associate Professor
  • Orlova Alina Olegovna
  • Mironova Kristina Gennadievna


The study shows the features of testing financial quests using the example of the quest “Young Businessmen,” carried out as part of the “Days of Science MCU – 2022.” Analyzed the features that the teacher must take into account in preparing the quest, analyzed the problems that the teacher may encounter during the game and noted options for solving them. It is shown that special attention during the game should be paid to the introductory words explaining the tasks during each stage — for example, the importance of explaining to students the difference between the direction of money for the purchase of physical assets that will serve several years and the current expenses consumed during a particular period is clearly demonstrated. Conclusions based on the results of the study.

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Shinkareva, O. V., Orlova, A. O. & Mironova, K. G. (2022). PROBLEMS DURING THE TESTING OF ECONOMIC QUESTS (USING THE EXAMPLE OF THE QUEST “YOUNG BUSINESSMEN”) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022 №4 (34), 117. https://doi.org/10.25688/2312-6647.2022.34.4.09
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