Home Releases 2022 №3 (33)


Management in Education , UDC: 332.1 DOI: 10.25688/2312-6647.2022.33.3.7


  • Sokolov Maxim Sergeevich PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
  • Karabanova Olga Vladimirovna Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor


A research objective is the analysis of top trends of development of the modern higher education system in Russia. On the basis of the revealed features the expanded introduction of model of the city universities as the city centers allowing to create and plan ways of implementation of the strategy for the development of territories as the intellectual, financial, technical, technological and cultural centers changing quality of life of the population in these territories is offered. So, the system of the city universities can become an effective element of functioning of “a threefold spiral” where at the initial stage of generation of knowledge there is an active interaction of institutes of public administration and the universities, and then, during a transfer of technologies, higher education institutes during active cooperation with business bring commercialized result of intellectual work to the market.

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Sokolov, M. S. & Karabanova, O. V. (2022). SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA THROUGH THE DISSEMINATION OF THE URBAN UNIVERSITY MODEL Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022 №3 (33), 81. https://doi.org/10.25688/2312-6647.2022.33.3.7
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