- Stol Anna Victorovna Ph.D. in Economics, Assistant Professor
In school meals in many countries, the problem of children’s refusal to eat the food offered, prepared according to the norms and principles of healthy nutrition, is relevant. As a result, the volume of food waste is growing, and material, financial, and labor resources are used ineffectively. The purpose of this study is to assess the scale of food waste in school canteens based on the assessment of inedibility obtained during a sociological survey of parents of schoolchildren in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2024. It was revealed that, according to rough estimates, from 23.7 % (in rural areas) to 33.5 % (in Ufa) of food offered in school canteens in Bashkortostan is not eaten by children and goes to waste, about 124.5 thousand servings daily is thrown away, that is, about 6.5 million rubles in the region are wasted every day. Based on this, it is important, based on best practices tested in other countries and regions of the Russian Federation, to consider measures to increase
the demand for food in school canteens and reduce food waste in them, for effective disposal, reducing negative impacts on the environment. Among them are an audit of food waste, testing of menus using research on children’s demand (based on an assessment of children’s preferences), and the dissemination of methods for recycling food waste (composting and the use of vermifarms).
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