Home Releases 2023 №4 (38)


Regional Economy , UDC: 339.5 DOI: 10.25688/2312-6647.2023.38.4.03


  • Nekhoroshkov Vladimir Petrovich Doctor of Economics, Assistant Professor
  • Aroshidze Alyona Amiranovna Ph.D. in Economics


Cooperation among Russian regions and foreign partners for almost ten years has been carried out in the context of the transformation of foreign trade into a global instrument of political confrontation. However, the unprecedented restrictions imposed on Russia in 2022 made it necessary to accelerate the implementation of the decision to turn the vector of foreign economic relations, specify the countries, interaction with which will become the basis for building the foundation for sustainable economic development. For the regions of Siberia, it is most expedient to consider the directions of export-oriented transport corridors as such a vector. In turn, determining the prospects for expanding foreign economic relations in these areas should, first of all, be based on identifying their compliance with the current main directions of foreign trade flows of the regions, assessing country specialization and the potential for increasing export-import cooperation. In fact, this reflects not only the prospects for building a foreign trade policy, but also the possibility of forming a cargo base for export-oriented transport corridors.

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Nekhoroshkov, V. P. & Aroshidze, A. A. (2023). SPECIALIZATION AND THE POTENTIAL FOR INCREASING FOREIGN TRADE INTERACTION AMONG SIBERIAN REGIONS AND THE DIRECTIONS OF EXPORT-ORIENTED TRANSPORT CORRIDORS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023 №4 (38), 24. https://doi.org/10.25688/2312-6647.2023.38.4.03
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