Home Releases 2023 №4 (38)


Domestic and Foreign Experience of Management , UDC: 338.984 DOI: 10.25688/2312-6647.2023.38.4.07


  • Leontiev Nikolay Yakovlevich Doctor of Economics
  • Samarov Dmitry Andreevich
  • Nikonova Irina Olegovna
  • Tyulenev Roman Antonovich


Flexible and hybrid approaches to project management are widely represented in IT and construction. But many manufacturing continue to use the traditional approach to project management. The article presents a flexible planning method for constructing a dependency structure of tasks in the project. This method allows you to model, visualize and analyze dependencies between project tasks. A key feature of mathematical modeling is the ability to optimize the planning schedule for the design an object by choosing technological task alternatives. The article gives a general assessment of the possible economic effect of the implementation of the model in a real project. Also it shows the prospects for the development of this method. The purpose of the work is to consider the possibility of using the matrix method for flexible planning of the construction of complex engineering facilities, analysis of the structure of project dependencies and its optimization. The result of the work is a prototype of a software tool that implements flexible project planning. It is based on the matrix method and takes into account the multi-scenario implementation of some tasks. The model is able to prioritize between the ways of solving the work/task, as well as the sequence of their implementation when planning a project. The expansion of functionality, the introduction of optimization based on resource profiles can serve as a further stage of research. The end result of the work will be software with a user-friendly interface based on this mathematical model.

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Leontiev, N. Y., Samarov, D. A., Nikonova, I. O. & Tyulenev, R. A. (2023). MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF FLEXIBLE PLANNING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF COMPLEX ENGINEERING FACILITIES BASED ON THE MATRIX METHOD Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023 №4 (38), 74. https://doi.org/10.25688/2312-6647.2023.38.4.07
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