Home Releases 2022 №2 (32)


Management in Education , UDC: 336.02 DOI: /10.25688/2312-6647.2022.32.2.10


  • Chekryshova Irina Ivanovna Ph.D. (Economics), Associate Professor


The interests and needs of children change all the time, therefore, the work of additional education institutions is not always built taking into account new, relevant interests at this time. One of the tasks of the article is to identify the correspondence of consumer preferences and provided services in education, including the methods and forms of their provision. At the same time, there is a need to eliminate the problem of the contradiction between the presence of educational needs for children in the field of additional education and the lack of clear information about these consumer motivations. There is an assumption about slowing down the process of improving the forms, methods, content of the educational process, the development of market-oriented areas of educational activity is restrained. This problem predetermined the purpose of the study — to obtain specific information about the needs for additional education services for children. Despite the approaching end of the pandemic and the increased popularity of distance technologies in education, a new market niche in distance education remains and will be transformed depending on new external requests. Some parts of the children’s audience can only be educated in this way. There are many questions about how effective and accessible this form is.

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Chekryshova, I. I. (2022). RESEARCH OF CONSUMER PREFERENCES IN CHOOSING ADDITIONAL SERVICES FOR YOUNG CHILDREN IN REMOTE FORM Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022 №2 (32), 107. https://doi.org//10.25688/2312-6647.2022.32.2.10
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