Home Releases 2022 №1 (31)


Management in Education , UDC: 330.3 DOI: 10.25688/2312-6647.2022.31.1.6


  • Scheinin Eduard Yakovlevich Ph.D. in Economics, Professor
  • Agadzhanyan Angelina Arsenovna
  • Galenko Olga Ivanovna


The ways of introducing modern information technologies into education are analyzed. The main focus is on increasing the role of online education in the learning process, the activities of online schools and their characteristics. The evolution of the online services market is analyzed.

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Scheinin, E. Y., Agadzhanyan, A. A. & Galenko, O. I. (2022). ONLINE-SCHOOLS — A NEW SECTOR OF THE EDUCATION ECONOMY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022 №1 (31), 60. https://doi.org/10.25688/2312-6647.2022.31.1.6
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