Home Releases 2016, №1 (7)

Standards of International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) about Coordination between Supreme Audit Institutions and Internal Auditors in the Public Sector

Finances and financial relationships , UDC: 336.1
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5. INTOSAI GOV 9100. Guidelines for Internal Control Standards for the Public Sector. URL: http://www.issai.org/intosai-guidance-for-good-governance-(intosai-gov)/ (data obrashheniya: 07.09.2015).
6. INTOSAI GOV 9150. Coordination and Cooperation between SAIs and Internal Auditors in the Public Sector. URL: http://www.issai.org/intosai-guidance-for-good-governance-(intosai-gov)/ (data obrashheniya: 07.09.2015).
7. ISSAI 100. Fundamental Principles of Public-Sector Auditing. URL: http://www. issai.org/3-fundamental-auditing-principles/ (data obrashheniya: 21.08.2015).
8. Guidelines for Internal Control Standards for the Public Sector. URL: http:// www.issai.org/intosai-guidance-for-good-governance-(intosai-gov)/ (data obrashheniya:
9. 21.08.2015).
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