Home Releases 2016, №1 (7)

Experience of Foreign Countries in Development of Small and Medium Business (on the Example of Germany)

Domestic and Foreign Experience of Management , UDC: 330.117


  • Generalova Yulia Aleksandrovna Student of the 4th course, Klin branch of Moscow Humanitarian Economic Institute. E-mail: lisa_alex@inbox.ru

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Generalova, Y. A. (2016). Experience of Foreign Countries in Development of Small and Medium Business (on the Example of Germany) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №1 (7),
1. Informaciya o FOMSP (Federal'noe ob''edinenie maly'x i srednix predpriyatij). BVMW — The German Association for Small and Medium-sized Businesses. URL: http:// www.bvmw.de/service/sprachen/gb.html?L=0 (data obrashheniya: 05.11.2015).
2. Maly'j biznes v Germanii. Germaniya na russkom. URL: http://germany-in-russian.ru/malyj-biznes-v-germanii.html (data obrashheniya: 01.11.2015).
3. Predprinimatel'stvo v Germanii. URL: http://germany-in-russian.ru/predprini-matelstvo-v-germanii.html (data obrascheniya: 29.10.2015).
4. Maly'e predpriyatiya Germanii. Social'no-e'konomicheskij portal. URL: http:// ru.exrus.eu/Malyye-predpriyatiya-Germanii-id4dcfae5d6ccc19c61000002b (data obra-shheniya: 03.11.2015).
5. Startegicheskaya rabochaya gruppa po sotrudnichestvu v oblasti e'konomiki i finansov. Oficial'ny'j sajt predstavitel'stva Germanii v Rossii. URL: http://www.ger-mania.diplo.de/Vertretung/russland/ru/09-wirtschaft/2-deutsche-wirtschaft/strategis-che-arbeitsgruppe.html (data obrascheniya: 03.11.2015).
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