Home Releases 2015, №2 (4)

Beer Promotion into the Russian Market Considering Sociocultural Traditions of the Country

Branch Economy and State Regulation
1. 1.   Deren V.I. Faktory’, sderzhivayushhie razvitie rossijskoj e’konomiki // Priklad ny’e e’konomicheskie issledovaniya. 2014. № 1. S. 83–92.
2. 2.   Stepanov A.A. Zakonomernosti upravleniya e’ffektivnost’yu social’no-e’kono-micheskogo razvitiya regiona. M.: Nauchny’j Konsul’tant, 2014. 72 s.
3. 3.   Chepik D.A., Troshin A.S., Kozerod Yu.M., Botasheva L.X., Petuxov V.D. Formirovanie e’lementov infrastruktury’ innovacionnoj sistemy’ APK na osnove mexa-nizma gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva. M.: Nauchny’j konsul’tant, 2014.
4. 4.   Aizenman J., Brooks E. Globalization and Taste Convergence: the Cases of Wine and Beer // Review of International Economics. 2008. № 16. P. 217–233.
5. 5.   Bentzen J., Nannerup N., Smith V. Testing the β-convergence hypothesis on the alcohol consumption in the European OECD countries // Cahiers Scientifques de l’AREV. 1998. № 2.
6. 6.   Konya I., Ohashi H. International consumption patterns among high-income countries: Evidence from the OECD data // Review of International Economics. 2007. № 15 (4). P. 744–757
7. 7.   Leifman H. Trends in population drinking. In alcohol in postwar Europe: Consumption, drinking patterns, consequences and policy responses in 15 European countries. A comparative analysis of drinking habits in six EU-countries in the year 2000. Stencil; Stockholm, 2001. P. 49–81.
8. 8.   Morris R. Who Will Alcohol Save And Who May It Kill? // EzineArticles: элек­тронный ресурс. Health-and-Fitness. 2007. September 28. URL: http://ezinearticles. com/?cat=Health-and-Fitness.
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