Home Releases 2017, №4 (14)

A Research on Parent Involvement in Educational Process in the Context of Improving the Efficiency of Education Management

Topic of the Issue , UDC: 334


  • Ivanov Ivan Yurievich A Master’s student of education management, Higher School of Economics; expert of Institute of development of state and public management of education. E-mail: hillgood@mail.ru
  • Schimutina Elena Nikolaevna Ph D (Pedagogy), Director of Institute of development of State and Public Management of Education. E-mail: ps@mhs548.ru

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Ivanov, I. Y. & Schimutina, E. N. (2017). A Research on Parent Involvement in Educational Process in the Context of Improving the Efficiency of Education Management Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2017, №4 (14),
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