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Topic of the Issue , UDC: 336.63: 331.2: 330.59: 332.122 DOI: 10.25688/2312-6647.2024.40.2.01


  • Mitroshin Igor Vasilievich PhD in Economics


During the period of ongoing changes in the global economy, the sanctions war, and the destruction of existing economic relations, it becomes relevant to analyze the impact of changes on the Russian economy. However, to determine this impact in the current period, it is necessary to consider what happened in the previous period. Indicators of the standard of living of the population and the degree of development of human capital are among the best indicators of the state of the economy of the country as a whole and its individual regions. The relationship between these indicators and the demographic situation reflects the general socio-economic condition of the territory. The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of the standard of living of the population and the degree of human development on the demographic situation in the regions of the Central Federal District in 2000–2021. The study showed a certain influence of the standard of living of the population and the degree of human development on migration processes in the regions of the Central Federal District. The influence of the quality of life of the population on the natural growth (decrease) of the population and on life expectancy occurs only in regions with high living standards, such as city of Moscow, Moscow and Belgorod regions, provided that these standards are stably maintained for a long time.

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Mitroshin, I. V. (2024). THE IMPACT OF THE STANDARD OF LIVING OF THE POPULATION AND THE DEGREE OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT ON DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS IN THE REGIONS OF THE CENTRAL FEDERAL DISTRICT Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (40), 8. https://doi.org/10.25688/2312-6647.2024.40.2.01
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