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Review of the program of the course «Natural science» for 10–11 Forms of Institutions of General Education

On the Bookshelf


  • Mapelman Valentina Mikhailovna Professor, Doctor of Philosophy, head of the Department of Safety of Vital Activity, Institute of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences, MCU. E-mail: mapelman@mail.ru
1. Aleksashina I.Yu., Galaktionov K.V., Dmitriev I.S., Lyapcev A.V., Sokolova 1.1. Program­ma po kursu «Estestvoznanie» dlya 10-11 klassov obshheobrazovatel'ny'x uchrezhdenij. -URL: http://www.prosv.rU/ebooks/Aleksashina_Estestvozn_5-10-11_Progr/2.html
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