- Apasov Maxim Vadimovich
- Rudnev Sergey Georgievich
This article examines the blockchain technology, its definition, structure, possibilities of use in ensuring the security of the economic sector, as well as those distinctive features that can distinguish blockchain among modern technical and other means of protecting the economic activities of enterprises. Scientific papers on the topic
of blockchain and smart contract are being studied in order to study the features of these technologies in order to further conclude whether they are actually useful for the economic sphere. The real experience of using this technology by companies is also investigated and described, and the security of systems with and without blockchain is compared to determine its practical value. Ultimately, it was proved that blockchain is indeed a powerful means of increasing the economic security of organizations in the information technology era. It was also found that the blockchain is actively spreading among large organizations and has great prospects for further development. The results of the work can be useful both for studying blockchain technology, its advantages and applications, and for companies wishing to find innovative technology to ensure economic security.
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Apasov, M. V. & Rudnev, S. G. (2024). BLOCKCHAIN AS A PROMISING TECHNOLOGY FOR ENSURING ECONOMIC SECURITY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (42), 68.
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