- Elkin Stanislav Evgenievich Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor
- Elkina Olga Sergeevna Doctor of Economics, Professor
The main area of research is the connections and interrelations between managerial and technological innovations. The aim is to determine the mutual influence of organizational and technological innovations on each other. Research methods. The study was conducted on the basis of an empirical sociological study and on the average data of organizations included in the IMOEX index. Based on the conducted research, the following results were obtained. Firstly, the introduction of new technological innovations can stimulate organizational changes in the structure of the company. Secondly, the introduction of new management methods is likely to lead to more active implementation of new processes, but this is not enough to stimulate the development of new or significantly improved products. Limitations of the study. Various types of innovations have been studied, with the exception of such forms of non-technological innovations as marketing innovations. The analysis of the interaction between marketing and technological innovations remained outside the scope of the study. Recommendations. The main recommendation is to introduce
new organizational methods in the field of workplace organization and external relations, as well as to carry out managerial transformations to increase the innovative potential of the organization.
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Elkin, S. E. & Elkina, O. S. (2024). MANAGEMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THEIR MUTUAL INFLUENCE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 3 (41),
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