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State and Municipal Administration , UDC: 338.242


  • Shor Inna Mikhailovna PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


In modern Russian conditions, the role of cooperation between the state and business in the implementation of projects aimed at the creation and development of infrastructure and industry is increasing. A key role in such cooperation is played by public-private partnership (hereinafter — PPP) in all its variety of forms, which allows attracting the necessary project resources, experience and business competencies. At the same time, it is extremely important to take into account the presence of distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages of each form of PPP. The purpose of the article is to identify and disclose the essential characteristics of the forms of PPP used in Russia, highlighting their similarities and differences. The methodological basis of the study was based on methods of comparison, synthesis, analysis, expert assessment and logical methods. The author reveals the fundamental essence of the forms of classical and quasi-PPP; taking into account the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the general and differences in the forms of PPP are presented; based on the analysis of Russian PPP practice, limitations and priorities in the application of PPP forms are highlighted. The research materials can be used in the development and decision-making to ensure the effective development of PPP forms, taking into account the national interests of our country.

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Shor, I. M. (2024). ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP FORMS: COMMONALITIES AND DIFFERENCES Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 3 (41),
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