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Domestic and Foreign Experience of Management , UDC: 65.01 DOI: 10.25688/2312-6647.2024.40.2.06


  • Lomovtseva Olga Alekseevna Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
  • Sobolev Alexander Vitalievich Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Soboleva Svetlana Yulievna Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


The paper presents the author’s classification of the stages of development of organizations, and also introduces criteria for the effectiveness of functioning with qualitative characteristics of changes. The purpose of the article is to analyze the practice of applying contract theory in the management of the life cycle of an organization. The authors, using in their work methods of observation, systematization, historical approach, as well as a comparative method of studying organizational changes in a number of enterprises, offer a new original view of the stages of the life cycle of organizations. The study presents a new perspective on organizational pathologies that arise and develop within enterprises depending on the stage of formation and functioning. Criteria for the operations of organizations reflecting stability, manageability, speed, efficiency and control at different stages of development are proposed. A scale for evaluating the criteria of operations has been developed, depending on the stages of formation and development from low to high, and also fixed.

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Lomovtseva, O. A., Sobolev, A. V. & Soboleva, S. Y. (2024). APPLICATION OF CONTRACT THEORY IN ORGANIZATION LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (40), 76. https://doi.org/10.25688/2312-6647.2024.40.2.06
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