Home Releases 2023 №1 (35)


Management in Education , UDC: 378.016:330 DOI: 10.25688/2312-6647.2023.35.1.10


  • Misailov Andrey Yurevich Ph.D. of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor


The article discusses the problems of absence in the Russian economy the system of engineering services in construction business, cost-based engineering specialists, and the negative economic consequences of this in the Covid-19 era, when the construction business owners without relevant competences could not adapt business to changing economic conditions and suffered significant losses and ruins. Analysis of the economic situation made in the Pandemic era demonstrated the effectiveness of those construction businesses (in the periods of economic turbulence) that used flexible models of its implementation. This helped some businesses to adapt to new economic conditions and minimize losses. The development of such a model is a timeconsuming process requiring professional engineering and economic skills, which most entrepreneurs do not have. In addition, at present the system of services for entrepreneurs in area of engineering of cost in construction is forming and needs qualified personnel. And training the personnel should be founded on two educational areas — engineering and economic. It was noted in the article that in Moscow State University of Civil Engineering in 2021 appeared the main professional educational program of the undergraduate named “Cost engineering” as part of the building science 08.03.01. The content of the educational program is at the junction of two educational areas - technical and economic, this circumstance makes it possible to get specialists who can determine cost indicators depending on the completeness and quality of engineering research analysis. A balanced presence of technical and economic materials in educational program is a basic for the full-fledged formation the necessary competencies by future specialist. In the article are considered all main components of the curriculum: theoretical study of professional disciplines (modules), practical training of students during their work, the requirements for the organization of final certification. Special attention is paid to the work on the places of practice and its meaning for the quality of professional training of future experts of the engineering of cost in construction.

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Misailov, A. Y. (2023). COST ENGINEERING IN CONSTRUCTION AS A NEW SPECIALITY IN RUSSIAN HIGHER SCHOOL Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023 №1 (35), 145. https://doi.org/10.25688/2312-6647.2023.35.1.10
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