Home Releases 2016, №1 (7)

The Study of Consumer Preferences of Women's Clothes in the Casual Style on the Market of Pskov

Branch Economy and State Regulation , UDC: 330.16
1. Odezhda v stile Casual. URL: http://to-be-woman.ru (data obrashheniya: 17.10.2015).
2. Oficial'ny'j sajt territorial'nogo organa Federal'noj sluzhby' gosudarstvennoj stati-stiki po Pskovskoj oblasti. URL: http://pskovstat.gks.ru (data obrashheniya: 27.10.2015).
3. Stil' odezhdy' casual — stan' individual'noj! URL: http://www.jlady.ru (data ob­rashheniya: 11.10.2015).
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