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Domestic and Foreign Experience of Management , UDC: 336.645.3 DOI: 10.24412/2312-6647-2024-442-96-109


  • Liventsev Andrey Nikolaevich


Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) is an important tool for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. There is a growing concern of governments and regulators to improve legislation aimed at combating greenwashing and mobilize resources for SRI. The article examines the practice and dynamics of SRI in Russia and globally in the context of socially responsible investment instruments, and proposes a method of unifying ESG-rating aimed at separating SRI practice into a separate component. Research methods: historical method of system analysis, a set of methods of economic and statistical analysis, analysis of literary and electronic sources. Results and conclusions of the study: in the context of geopolitical instability, organizations prefer short-term stability, and some governments that have ended cooperation with the EU and the US question the relevance of SRI, which requires further analysis and solutions to support socially responsible investment practices. Regulators can strengthen the supply of and demand for SRI through tax and capital relief for multinational companies. An important step in the development of socially responsible investing globally is the attempt to harmonize ESG rating methodologies by regulators and verifiers. The formula proposed in this article to take into account SRI in ESG rating, requires regular adaptation of the weight and elements of the formula depending on changes in the field of sustainable development and investors’ needs. This paper contributes to the development of SRI theory and to increasing investor confidence in the topic of socially responsible investing.

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Liventsev, A. N. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (42), 96. https://doi.org/10.24412/2312-6647-2024-442-96-109
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