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Regional Economy , UDC: 376 DOI: 10.24412/2312-6647-2024-442-51-67


  • Stol Anna Victorovna Ph.D. in Economics, Assistant Professor


There is a serious shortage of personnel providing correctional development and medical and pedagogical support for children with disabilities In Russia. The purpose of the study is to assess this deficit in the Republic of Bashkortostan based on statistics, reviews from teachers and parents of schoolchildren with disabilities. Methods of sociological survey (teacher survey, parent survey) and analytical methods were used. It was revealed that working with children with disabilities is a stress factor for teachers and requires adequate compensation in the form of wages and the creation of favorable working conditions for specialists teaching children with disabilities. Due to low wages and increased workload, there is a washout of correctional pedagogy specialists from the regional general education system, which ultimately led to a lack of correctional and developmental classes and psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities. This puts more strain on parents and aggravates the difficulties of families with special children. The work proposes measures to compensate for the identified deficit: training parents along two trajectories: firstly, increasing their pedagogical competence taking into account the characteristics of children’s health and preventing parental burnout, secondly, obtaining a state diploma and the possibility of employment in the professions of correctional pedagogy in various forms employment.

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Stol, A. V. (2024). THE PROBLEM OF STAFF DEFICIT FOR WORKING WITH CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES: THE EXAMPLE OF THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (42), 51. https://doi.org/10.24412/2312-6647-2024-442-51-67
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