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Sectoral economics and government regulation , UDC: 33.336.71, 336.77


  • Savchina Oksana Vladimirovna Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor
  • Zakaryan Vaagn Vageevich


At the current stage of its development, the Russian economy can be characterized as a developed, post-industrial capitalist system, which, among other things, is characterized by the development of most forms of financial instruments and relationships. Among them, a special place is occupied by such an institution as mortgage lending, which is one of the most important elements of the market economy. By developing the housing mortgage lending system, the state stimulates economic growth through the development of the construction industry, which, in turn, is systemically important and makes a significant contribution to the country’s GDP. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the state of the housing mortgage lending market in the Russian Federation in 2018–2022. As part of the work, the factors influencing its development were identified, among which, in particular: government support measures, the COVID-19 pandemic and a change in the key rate of the Bank of Russia. The rating of commercial banks in terms of the volume of mortgage loans issued is given, and the reasons for the positions of “leaders” and “outsiders” in this rating are identified. According to the results obtained during the study, it was revealed that the modern housing mortgage lending market in Russia can’t be characterized by sufficient scale and maturity. The popularity of mortgages is increasing, but at the same time, the side effects are an increase in housing prices, a rise in the debt burden of the population, high urbanization to large cities, etc.

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Savchina, O. V. & Zakaryan, V. V. (2024). THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MORTGAGE HOUSING LENDING IN RUSSIA IN THE CONTEXT OF THE GLOBAL DESTABILIZATION Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 3 (41),
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6. 6. Formation and development of the activities of financial intermediaries in the Russian market: monograph / A. A. Artyomova [et al.]. Orenburg: Orenburg State University; EBS DIA, 2017. 222 p. ISBN 978-5-7410-1878-1 // The electronic library system of IPR BOOKS. URL: https://www.iprbookshop.ru/78921.html (accessed: 19.12.2021).
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