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State and Municipal Administration , UDC: 334.024 DOI: 10.25688/2312-6647.2024.40.2.11


  • Timoshkin Sergei Petrovich


The article is devoted to the problem of state and public management of educational organizations, revealing the role of such bodies using the example of the activities of the governing council. The need to develop special competencies of members of governing councils has been identified, since their participation in the development and adoption of management decisions on the development of the school must be qualified. The directions of training for various categories of members of the governing council are substantiated, one of the most complex of which is student schools. The principles of generational theory were applied to develop a training program for schoolchildren who are members of the governing council. Conclusions are drawn about the possibility of using problem-based learning in programs for members of public administration bodies, as well as an emphasis on the formation of leadership competencies, and negative manifestations of leadership that can arise in the case of unqualified actions are given.

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Timoshkin, S. P. (2024). COMPETENCIES OF STATE PUBLIC MANAGEMENT BODIES OF A GENERAL EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (40), 134. https://doi.org/10.25688/2312-6647.2024.40.2.11
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