Home Releases 2022 №2 (32)


Sectoral economics and government regulation , UDC: 338.45 DOI: 10.25688/2312-6647.2022.32.2.03


  • Yudin Nikolay Nikolayevich


The development of “Industry 4.0” is a resource-intensive process. Its implementation requires the creation of a comprehensive system of state support and stimulation of the development of industries engaged in the formation of “Industry 4.0”. It is necessary to create conditions for the development and implementation at existing production facilities and in the largest technology companies of such areas of information and telecommunication technologies as: automation, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, data management. The creation of such conditions requires the preparation of a regulatory framework. The most important instrument of state support is the creation of the national industrial strategy “Industry 4.0”. The industrial strategy implies the goals and objectives of the transition to “Industry 4.0”, determines the required amount of financial and logistical resources. The article proposes to identify the key instruments of state support for the creation of “Industry 4.0”, taking into account the best international experience.

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Yudin, N. N. (2022). TOOLS OF STATE SUPPORT AND PROMOTION OF “INDUSTRY 4.0” IN THE INDUSTRIAL SECTOR OF THE ECONOMY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022 №2 (32), 24. https://doi.org/10.25688/2312-6647.2022.32.2.03
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